Mine Design Guide (MDG) Audits

Mine Design Guide (MDG) Audits

MDG Compliance Made Easier

Mine Design Guidelines (MDG’s) provide an industry benchmark for engineering standards and fit for purpose equipment to be used in the coal mining industry in NSW.

All designers, manufacturers, and end users must be able to demonstrate that their machines and equipment comply with current Australian Standards and industry best practice for hazard identification, consultation, risk assessment, risk management procedures, information collation (e.g. manufacturer’s instructions, MSDS), instruction and training, supervision, monitoring and review.

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Ontrak MDG41 example_Page_1
Example of MDG41
Ontrak MDG41 example_Page_2
Above is Contents page of MDG41


APT currently complete Mine Design Guide Audits on – MDG17, 31, 35, 41, contact us now to see how we can help you, to ensure that you comply with current industry best practice.

Our Documentation services include site and machine specific mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and operator technical service, parts and maintenance manuals, and safe work procedures.
APT is an (RTO) providing nationally recognised fluid power training in support of MDG41 competence requirements. We also develop and deploy site and machine specific training solutions.
APT design and simulate systems, conduct design reviews, risk assessments FMEA's and MDG Audits. We help develop your fluid power management and isolation plans to ensure your compliance.

APT Specialist Hydraulics and Training have a full suite of professional services to assist you with your MDG Compliance simply and easily.

APT can help you achieve and maintain your Fluid power Engineering, Documentation and Training responsibilities.

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