5 Day Marathon at Dendrobium Colliery

APT has recently delivered a 5-day hydraulics training course. The training was conducted for seven mechanical tradesmen on site at Dendrobium Colliery, near Wollongong in NSW.
The course was delivered in a marathon 5 days straight. This was as requested by management on site.  While this was a challenge to the students (not used to being in this situation for this amount of time), they all performed well and remained engaged for the duration of the training.
APT train at Dendrobium Colliery
APT made use of the mobile practical workshop trailer to deliver practical training sessions by locating the trailer on site, allowing all of the students to gain hands-on experience to reinforce the theoretical concepts contained in the training.
As the course progressed, students were making lots of comments on how much more they were understanding the hydraulic schematics, and how they now understood individual symbols and their purpose within hydraulic circuits.
The feedback from the students and staff has resulted in another round of the same training for additional students.
If you would like to find out more about APT coming to your site and delivering training, please contact us.
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