Studying a course online can be a challenging task. Finding time to complete your course and how to organise yourself can be a struggle.
Check out our tips below on how to best manage yourself for your Online Study.

Write a “to-do” list
A “to-do” list serves as a reminder of the important assessment tasks that you need to prioritise. Finish off the most important tasks first.
Prioritise your work constantly
Decide what important task is to be done first. The use of a calendar can help remind you of your short-term goals and can also help organise your other daily tasks that you need to accomplish.
Lock in a dedicated space and time
Determine a set place to sit and complete your online study each time. Pick a certain spot with good lighting, comfortable seating and that makes you commit to your online studywithout distractions.
Budget your time to make the most of it
Create a set time and duration. Is it easier for you to pencil in a time block each day, or two longer sessions per week? Do what suits you and your time frame.
Don’t be afraid to say “No”
Saying no is sometimes difficult to do. Negotiate a time when you are free to comply with the request or to socialise with your friends.
Log off from social media
Turning your phone onto silent is a great way to remain focused on your work. Those notifications will still be there once you have completed your online study!
At the end of the day you are the one who will benefit from up skilling and completing your qualification. Stay focused and committed!