Scott Hayes
Years with APT?
5 & 1/2
Years of experience and in what areas?
7 years work in general industry – apprentice and trades qualified fitter and machinist, 18 years working with OEM’s – mobile plant for underground coal mines, duties ranging from fitter to workshop manager, 5 1/2 years in training

Highlight of your career to date?
A hard question to answer – I don’t look at my work and measure highlights, but simply try to perform my best in all roles and tasks that I am given. Maybe that is my highlight…..
Most challenging work task to date?
Working as a trainer in fluid power – ensuring that my skills and knowledge are kept current and relevant, relating theories and concepts to students individual backgrounds and work environments – all while standing in front of a class of students. Very challenging, but also very rewarding.

What do like to do on your days off from work?
Anything active or adventurous – hiking, camping, cycling, motorbikes, wakeboarding, kayaking
One thing most people do not know about you?
Lots of secrets – I do try to play the guitar (but struggle to find the time )

Drop us a line about how you know or where you have worked with Scott.