Apt Score for APT

APT Specialist Hydraulics and Training have recently undergone the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) audit in respect to being a Registered Training Organisation.  This is the first audit APT has had from ASQA. The findings from the report included 8 standards stating an original finding for each.  In each of all the 8 standards APT received a compliant finding, meaning no suggestions/recommendation or issues were present.Tick of approval

The auditor said this was most likely to the:-

Professional setup of the training documentation, policies, procedures and overall structure and that Kyle Probert should be very proud of this achievement. It is one of the best she has seen.

The auditor was most impressed that our software was able to provide her with all the answers required for her detailed audit, and the hands on knowledge from the director of the business ( Kyle Probert) was in depth. Usually the auditor struggles to obtain information from staff and finds many inconsistencies and gaps in the training structure.

APT as a training organisation delivers high level industry relevant training in a way that students can relate and implement into their daily work. The recording of student information is managed correctly and students receive their qualification in a timely manner.

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