APT & Terratest pass the test. From Months to days.

APT help Terratest pass the test

Terratest secured a contract to work at Glencore West Wallsend Mine Site. Unfortunately, the drill rig that was available for the job did not comply with site regulations. This could have meant that the job would not proceed at all. The OEM had a solution but this was going to take months and Terratest only had Days. West Wallsend staff advised Joel from Terratest of APT’s location. Joel and the West Wallsend staff discussed our previous work and Joel contacted us to see if we could help.copy-of-20161114_170451

Joel and Kyle Probert from APT discussed what was required. This was carried out with a short inspection. This was done out the front of APT’s Toronto location for Kyle to gather measurements. Kyle developed a hydraulic interlock for the gate to slow the rotation to minimal speed in accordance with site requirements.


Originally the machine was planned to be in the APT workshop for a day, but the work requirements of Terratest meant that they needed the rig. Kyle designed, implemented and tested the solution in one day.

Drill rigs on mine sites are subject to fairly stringent requirements. Our expertise in working with these requirements and guidelines, coupled with our hydraulic expertise meant we could complete the project quickly.APT Terratest Drill rig

Terratest were able to get the drill rig to pass the satisfactory level for site regulations and carry out their job.

When you find yourself or hear of a mate in a situation like the above, contact us

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