Friday the 13th Assessment Day

Assessment day tomorrow –

Come and see the outcomes of our Certificate IV Engineering (Fluid Power) course. Visit us tomorrow, Friday 13th October. Burritos on the BBQ at 11.30


Twas the night before Assessment, there was no echo

Not a creature was snoring, not even a Leco

The tasks were all set on the desks with care

In the hopes, the students would remember where,

To get 24 Volts to connect the LEDs,

Let’s hope the information has stuck in their heads

Questions to answer, practicals to unwrap,

Perhaps they hope that Scott will Kidnap,

Cert IV MEM40105 Fluid Power Engineering Trainng Qualification Hydraulics


The exam answers. Then they can scatter,

The room will be silent, with no chatter

They will hope there is no backlash,

But don’t fear, it will be over in a flash.

Remember, flow makes it go,

Too much is too fast, too little is slow.

Motors go round, while cylinders are linear,

Too much to know, we hope their knowledge will reappear.


Scott Lockett is MC for the day!

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