Expression of Interest

Over the last couple of years, APT has been making some big changes. As we’ve tried to make training more accessible in more places it means that we have had to restructure our business…

And after some long discussions about how we could help more people explore the world of hydraulics while also providing life-saving safety and knowledge, we wanted to let our community know that there are now more ways to work with APT.

We know we have some awesome tradies who are ready to get off the tools, and people who have trained with us before in our community and have awesome skills to bring to the table!

Currently, we are accepting Expressions of Interest to join the APT team for people who fit the following requirements.

Role 1:

Someone who has at least a Cert IV in hydraulics and wants to get off the tools, spends more nights at home each month and has a knack for explaining complex situations in simple terms. This would be a full-time role based in Newcastle with approximately 1 week of travel per month.

Role 2:

This person could be based anywhere along the East Coast of Australia. MUST BE COMPETENT IN AT LEAST THEIR CERT IV FLUID POWER. Willing to travel around Australia and be available 2 weeks of every month. This is a part-time position.

Role 3:

4th Year Apprentice who wants to ensure their technical knowledge is top notch and wants to get some experience with more complicated hydraulics systems while finishing up their training. This role could be full-time or part-time, based in Newcastle.

To find out more about any of these roles, flick us a message telling us a little bit about yourself and why you would like to be involved with APT and we’ll take it from there.

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