MEM50119 Diploma of Engineering (Fluid Power) – Gimbal

MEM50105 Diploma of Engineering (Fluid Power) – Online Only


See Entry Pathway options below

Finance Options:

This course is available for finance through Study Loans. Use their loan calculator to find out how much your repayments would be or apply online

Duration (in addition to time required for MEM40105 or RPL)

Blended Delivery (online + classroom)
Theory Time 60 – 80 Hours (Self paced / online)
Practical Time Flexible – may be included in workplace or project work
Project Work 30 – 50 hours
Work based practice 80 Hours

Upon successful completion students will receive a Diploma of Engineering (Fluid Power)


Diploma of Engineering is the last step for a Trades person before moving on to a Technical Qualification. This qualification if for trades who are highly skilled in their specialisation and are generally working in a highly autonomous role or are supervising other trades. Units in this course cover the skills of advanced maths, supervision, researching information and modifying Fluid Power (hydraulic or pneumatic) Systems.

This course is aimed at existing trades to upgrade their skills to a Diploma level. Existing trades could be Fitters, Boilermakers, Diesel Fitters, Light or Heavy Vehicle Mechanics and Electricians. Must have previously attained a certificate 3 level trade qualification.

Topics Covered

Standard Course Units

    • MEM18023B Modify fluid power system operation
    • MEM18017C Modify mechanical systems and equipment
    • MEM18016B  Analyse Plant and Equipment Condition Monitoring Results
    • MEM16011A Communicate with individuals and small groups
    • MEM16009A Research and analyse engineering information
    • MEM16014A Report technical Information
    • MEM12025A Use graphical techniques and perform simple statistical computations
    • MEM30012A Apply mathematical techniques in a manufacturing, engineering or related

Other units may be selected as required to meet the training package rules – additional fees may apply.

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How we work

APT provide flexible training and an ongoing framework to build-on or formalise your existing skills and knowledge. In our courses, the use of advanced simulation and real world practices ensure optimal outcomes.

You can be assured that it’s to the best of our ability to support any special needs/requirements you may have with your learning.

Course Information

This course is predominantly Online. Complete the assessments in your own time, and there may be work / project based work required to fill in any gaps.

Course Assessment

Our team will clearly explain the assessment process to you and support you where necessary to ensure you have a full understanding of the process prior to commencing.

Some methods used to assess your competence include written questionnaires, verbal questions, third party reports, self assessment, log books or work journals, verified CV, workbook activities and certificate recognition of prior learning.

Course Outcomes

Successful participants will receive a Diploma of Engineering (Fluid Power).

Participant Pre-requisites

There are 4 entry pathways into the Diploma of Engineering

1.  Advanced Standing Entry – this is for students who have attained MEM40105 Certificate 4 Engineering.

  • Must have the following units included on their transcript, these units are pre-requisite for the units selected in our Diploma Course
    • MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing
    • MEM16012A Interpret technical specifications and manuals
    • MEM18001C Use hand tools
    • MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations
    • MEM18003C Use tools for precision work
    • MEM18006C Repair and fit engineering components
    • MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components
    • MEM18010C Perform equipment condition monitoring and recording
    • MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components
    • MEM18019B Maintain pneumatic systems
    • MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components
    • MEM18021B Maintain hydraulic systems
    • MEM18022B Maintain fluid power controls

Price – $5500

2. Certificate 3 Direct Entry – this is for students who have attained MEM30205 Certificate 3 Engineering Mechanical or MEM30305 Certificate 3 Engineering Fabrication. Generally this will be trades who completed their apprenticeship in the last 10 years.

  • Must have the following units included on their transcript, these units are pre-requisite for the units selected in our Certificate 4 Course
    • MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing
    • MEM18001C Use hand tools
    • MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations
    • MEM18003C Use tools for precision work
    • MEM18006C Repair and fit engineering components
    • MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components

Price – $11 800

3. Mechanical Trades with Previous Qualifications – will need to go through an RPL process to complete the Cert 3 Level units

Price – $1500 RPL, $11 800 ($13 300 total)

4. Other Trades – this is for other trades. This involves RPL for the Certificate 3 level units prior to commencement in the Certificate 4 Engineering

Price – $2500 RPL, $11 800 ($14 300 total)

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