Advanced Diploma in Fluid Power The Next Step In Your Career

Advanced Diploma in Fluid Power

Kyle Training

Are you looking for a promotion, maybe even wanting to move up into management? 

You’ve been putting in the hard yards, refining your skills onsite, showing up when you are needed and really being there for your team.

But still you feel like your efforts aren’t being noticed or that there is a missing piece. 

Unfortunately, for most higher level and management positions machine knowledge isn’t enough to take you to the next level.

So what more do I "need to do?"

Well in these leadership roles oftentimes you will find yourself working to optimise procedures and systems, as well as ensuring the safety of your team onsite. 

You will become the go-to person whenever a problem arises and you’ll need to have the skills to solve these problems quickly and usually without having the time to consult another person. And these issues might not always be with machines, they may be with clashing maintenance schedules or within your team itself, they may even be design flaws where you will need to read the schematics and rework the system.

Making your head spin?

Don’t give up on your dreams just yet, there is a straightforward path for you to pick up all the skills you need to be the perfect candidate for these roles. You may even be participating in the selection process right now and want the upper hand on other candidates. 

That’s where the Advanced Diploma In Fluid Power comes in! 

This program is the highest level of training you can complete prior to spending years at university completing your bachelors degree. 

This course not only expands your design knowledge but also your leadership knowledge. 

It’s much less on the tools with a lot more done using computers, simulations, equations, and paperwork.

So if you feel like now is your time to down tools and really step into the next stage of your career this program will prepare you to do exactly that.

But what can this look like for you?

What Can YOUR Career In Fluid Power Look Like?

Fluid power and hydraulics are used across a wide variety of industries from mining and gas to aviation to food production. You may even receive opportunities to travel internationally with your expertise. 

When you are spending less time of the tools some of the job opportunities that exist for you include:

There are many options out there for you as you progress through your career with each role coming with its own benefits. 

Some things you may want to consider when deciding on whether this is the right step for you career are:

  • Job Security – higher levels of training equip you with highly sought after skills 
  • Your Personal Preferences – Do you prefer working hands on with equipment or would you prefer to move into a role that is less physically strenuous? 
  • Salary Expectations – As you gain more expertise and responsibility naturally you will move up pay grades
  • Industry – The skills you learn in an advanced diploma are transferable across many industries giving you the flexibility to explore new possibilities

As you can see the roles above not only challenge and widen the scope of your fluid power knowledge but also your ability to lead and manage teams which is an equally exciting challenge. 

The benefit of completing an Advanced Diploma in Fluid Power is that you cover a wide variety of topics from system design, technical specifications, applied maths, team communication and leadership.

So are you ready to step up and become the go-to fluid power master for your team and others onsite?


Toowoomba, QLD

“Trainer has very good knowledge of hydraulic systems and explains very clearly"


Maitlan, NSW

“All questions were answered. Time was taken to explain things as best as possible. Great guys delivering course"


Mudgee, NSW

“The trainer was very experienced. learnt a lot of new things about hydraulics"


The advanced diploma is not a course for those just beginning their fluid power journey and we highly recommend that you complete your Cert IV in Fluid Power (link to landing page) or a Diploma in Fluid Power before commencing your Advanced Diploma. Our team are happy to discuss an option to fast-track your training please use the form below to contact us if you would like to discuss your training path all the way from beginner to advanced.

MEM60112 Advanced Diploma of Engineering is designed to meet the training and skills recognition needs of the Australian engineering industry sector. It covers the competencies used by people employed in the manufacturing, engineering and related services industries, in particular those persons working in a Para-professional Engineering Role.

While there are no formal pre-requisites for entry into Advanced Diploma, this course is designed around students having previously completed MEM50119 Diploma Engineering Advanced Trade.


The following units will be completed as part of your Advanced Diploma training. Training will be a variety of online coursework and onsite project work that gives you hands-on experience.



The expected duration of the course will be twenty four (24) months, however early completion may be achieved for those who attain competency within this period.


Next Enrolment Date: TBA

If you are looking to put through multiple team members or would like to request a specialised learning path please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Contact Us

To find out if you are eligible for this course, get in touch using the form below and we will contact you shortly to discuss which training options are the best for you and your career progression.

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