Loco Familiarisation at Wollongong Coal Russell Vale Colliery

Ontrak Engineering’s contract with Wollongong Coal Russell Vale Colliery included the delivery of Operator and Mechanical training to the rebuilt machineloco-1.

Ontrak reached out to APT to develop and deliver both the Operator and Mechanical aspects of training. This was accomplished by Scott Lockett attending Ontrak’s site whilst Loco being worked on, in order to gather information and images to put into the training documentation and develop practicals for the assessment of the students.

Scott Lockett, having previous experience with this loco and Ontrak’s previous work, was selected to deliver the training earlier this month.

The theory was done in the training room onsite at Russell Vale Colliery. The practical was done on Loco in the surface workshop, this allowed up close and relevant exposure and training without the students having to leave site at all.   APT Loco Training

Each Operator and Mechanical session took about 3 hours delivery with all students being trained and assessed in the one day.

APT Trainers are always renewing their knowledge and skills on all machinery and compliance issues, each also enjoys getting back onsite and seeing the issues and improvements that have been made to ensure productivity is maintained or increased, downtime reduced and at all times that safety is paramount.

If you would like onsite training or a review of your current work procedures, please contact us to make an appointment.




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