APT inside the Westrac Institute

Dave Thomas has a unique feather in his cap, that being he has delivered training on the inside of the Westrac Institute at Tomago.

Dave completed 2 days onsite at Westrac’s training institution at Tomago using the excellent training facilities and going into the store to build hoses ready for customers.

Students are taken through all the international standards for hoses and couplings with lots of identification exercises throughout then taught how to make a hose to meet customer expectations.


9 students from around NSW were engaged for 2 full days to complete the course including several who had experience and several who had never built a hose before. The students were grouped in the practical to ensure the experienced people could pass on some knowledge and hints to the less experienced.

All students left with an increased understanding of not just the international standards and compliance but also what the customer expects when they order a hose or bring one in for repair.

APT were delighted to be consulted to review and make updates to the original Westrac course. This enabled the course to flow smoother and focus on the specific requirements that were required. The hose building supervisor was included in these updates and the course has since been run again with excellent results.

When was the last time your training courseware was reviewed?

Is it still compliant, relevant, engaging?

If you are not sure, contact us to have a fresh set of eyes look at the material and make any recommendations.