APT Specialist Hydraulics and Training are stepping up to the challenge.
As part of the Get Healthy at Work which is a Workcover incentive, APT have adopted the Workplace Power program created by The University of Newcastle Australia promoted by Phil Morgan.

The APT team have all donned the pedometer and are armed at the ready with water bottles, and a supportive attitude to their colleagues. This is week one and the team are excited to see the step counter climb throughout the day.
It was a shock to see that most of the team accumulated around 3,500 steps for the day, where as they should be aiming for 10,000 steps each day.
The girls have been attending to a daily walk after lunch each day and no doubt the boys will get in on the activity as well.

The overall focus is on making gradual and realistic changes to our eating and physical activity habits that can stay in place once the 3 month program ends.
Reporting back to the Get Healthy at Work and Workplace Power programs are a great way for the team to validate their efforts.
Stay tuned for more details about the program and how it is adopted by the APT Team.
Here is a previous article that is sure to open your eyes to a few myths. Get Healthy at Work
Are you attending to a similar program? We would love to hear about it.